
Selasa, 26 April 2011

What is Cloud Computing / Cloud Computing?

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Cloud computing or cloud computing is the definition for grid computing technologies (grid computing) that are used in the mid to late 1990's. Jargon cloud computing began to emerge at the end of 2007, is used to move a service used daily to the Internet, not stored on the local computer again.
Email is available in the form of web mail is a very small example of cloud computing technology. By using email services like Gmail and Yahoo Mail, people no longer need to use Outlook or other desktop applications to their email. Reading email with browsers enabling done anywhere along the existing Internet connection.
In 2007, other services including word processing, spreadsheets, and presentations have been moved into the computing cloud. Google provides word processing, spreadsheet and presentation applications in the cloud computing environment and integrates with Gmail and Google Calendar, providing office environment on the web (or in the cloud). Microsoft and other companies are also experimenting with transferring programs into the clouds to make it more affordable and more accessible to the user's computer and the Internet. Software as a service (Microsoft's term for cloud computing) is a very new stuff for most people at Microsoft.
Cloud computing is currently very popular, apart from major players like Microsoft and Google's software, other companies popping up just to provide cloud-based services as a substitute or refinement applications on PCs today. Some of these companies was, an online office suite,, is a site devoted to online records, and, online task management.
Computing technology and new programming techniques or changing rapidly developing technique, the goal of cloud computing will make the technology seem to be very easy in the eyes of users and make it as simple as possible. Very rapid development of Internet-based current with the booming blogging and microblogging and social networking service that aims to find new ways to help individuals and businesses to be able to communicate with one another in the cloud computing arena

What is Augmented Reality?

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Augmented Reality (AR) refers to computer research that aims to produce information systems that combine real-world information with digital information. Augmented Reality is still in the early phase of development, yet many futurists and researchers hope that can be applied in 2010's or 2020's.
The main goal of the Augmented Reality system will manifest themselves as a lens or retinal projector that will provide relevant information display, mapped into the surrounding environment in realtime. For example, when he saw a restaurant with Augmented Reality glasses, then one automatically call directly to the database review, or a menu from the restaurant website. A scientist who works at a pharmaceutical company could use the glasses to view 3D models of various molecules and use it to visualize a better drug. Children may use AR glasses of networks connected to real life playing a video game that allows the firing "laser" from them. Although the possibility is rather limited.
Augmented Reality depends on the progress of miniaturization technologies and mobile computing (mobile computing). Currently, an effective projection system technology and small and fast computers are still not cooked enough to really make an effective Augmented Reality interfaces, even though we were getting closer to perfection with the research carried out continuously by the experts. Prototype has been made for decades, but the main product that really worth not yet exist. One promising technology is the projection of the retina - a low-powered laser projection images directly onto the retina, so that glasses are not used anymore. Commercial retinal projection system actually exists, but the resolution and color palette is still very low.
Augmented Reality is in fact already exist in rudimentary form. For example, sports commentators often use the light pen to "draw" on the soccer field to provide a visual aid to fellow commentators. Another example is the image ads that often appear in the field of badminton when it aired on TV, as if this ad image attached to the field. Image ads sponsorship continues to alternate during the game. This shows proof of the concept of AR though still limited, of course.

Rabu, 20 April 2011

Perkembangan Bisnis di dunia Informatika Bisnis Online

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Dewasa ini, internet bukan hanya berfungsi sebagai ajang jejaring sosial saja. Kini banyak pengusaha yang meraup untung besar dengan mendirikan toko online di Internet. Salah satu contohnya yaitu member kaskus yang sukses dalam sistem jual-beli online sebut saja Mokhamad Fahmi Fauzi untuk membuka usaha online di bidang penjualan pakaian, aksesoris, dan perlengkapan olahraga pada pertengahan tahun 2009. Prediksinya akan sukses di usaha toko online pun terbukti. Walaupun usahanya ini baru berjalan 7 bulan, namun kini Fahmi telah mampu meraup omset sebesar 40 juta per bulan. Seperti apa perjalanan usaha bisnis online

Beberapa tahun terakhir ini bisnis online semakin marak dimana banyaknya faktor-faktor pendukung seperti situs-situs jejaring sosial, forum-forum, web-blog, serta komunitas komunitas dunia maya bisa juga melalui website pribadi.

Cara jitu untuk bisa sukses dalam bisnis online.
1. Rancang Bisnis dengan Cermat
Rancang rencana bisnis online Anda dengan cermat. Pertimbangkan segala aspek seperti target pasar, kemampuan pesaing, sumber daya,resiko dan perkembangan bisnis yang ingin ada jalankan bagaimana membangun loyalitas konsumen atau menjalin kemitraan strategis. Pakai referensi memadai, misalnya belajar dari situs bisnis di internet atau pun buku yang mendukung.

2. Temukan Sasaran Pasar Spesifik
Bisa jadi ide bisnis online Anda brilian, namun itu tak ada artinya jika tidak ada sasaran pasar yang spesifik. Temukan celah pasar yang belum digarap pesaing. Jika Anda bertarung dengan pemain besar, pastikan bisnis Anda memiliki diferensiasi yang menarik konsumen.

3. Cari Sumber Keuangan
Rencanakan dari mana Anda akan mendapat modal sebagai sumber dana bisnis online. Pinjaman bank bisa jadi pilihan yang baik. Jangan lupa untuk membuat administrasi keuangan yang rapi sehingga arus keluar masuk tampak jelas.

4. Buat Situs yang Handal
Anda memang bisa memanfaatkan blog yang gratis untuk memulai bisnis. Namun jika berniat serius, belilah domain dan sewa perancang situs yang handal. Pastikan situs Anda tidak rumit, memudahkan pengakses serta selalu update.

5. Promosi Jitu
Salah satu aspek terpenting dalam bisnis online adalah promosi yang jitu. Bisa dicoba bermacam metode, misalnya via Google AdWords di mana pengiklan hanya membayar sesuai jumlah pengakses situsnya. Manfaatkan pula e-mail atau situs jejaring untuk mempromosikan bisnis Anda pada banyak orang.

6. Permudah Transaksi Konsumen
Konsumen harus dimudahkan dalam melakukan transaksi dan pemesanan di situs Anda. Berikan pula tingkat keamanan situs yang memadai sehingga konsumen percaya detail identitas mereka tidak bocor. Tanpa transaksi dari konsumen, bisnis Anda pasti ambruk.

7. Motivasi untuk Terus Maju
Selalu butuh waktu agar bisnis internet berkembang. Sebagai entrepeneur online, Anda perlu energi, antusiasme, determinasi, dan gairah untuk maju. Perlu disadari bahwa sukses besar di bisnis internet cukup langka. Namun tak perlu pula kecil hati karena cerita kesuksesan bisnis online sudah amat banyak

Selasa, 19 April 2011

Free Web Application Development For Your Business Automation

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Web based application runs on web server, which are kept open to access over internet. Using web browser user can get access to these application from any computer connected to internet. PHP and MySql based technology is mostly used for these type web application development by small and medium organization.

PHP and MySql based technology is very rich in free opensource project. Anyone can download these packages and customize it according to their need. These opensource projects have got very high programming standards.

Some of the Popular Free OpenSource Project for Business Automation

There are many web based open source project developed on PHP and MySql which can be used in day to day functioning of organization. I am discussing some of them by categorizing on the basis of functional requirement in organization.

1. Customer Relationship Management Application

It is used to manage company’s communication with customers or clients. It is very helpful to company’s executive who mostly travel. Vtiger and Sugar CRM is ideal CRM software for small and medium scale business. It’s got all the feature of CRM you can even use it without customizing it.

2. Human Relationship management Application

It is for managing the people working in an organization. Orange HRM is most famous opensource HRM project and well suited with small to medium scale organization. It’s well structured modular design gives large flexibility to customize the application according to need.

3. Enterprise Resource Planning Application

It is needed to automate all the activity within the boundary of the establishment. It is also d to manage relation with external entity. webERP is one such ERP solution for Small and Medium Business.

4. E-Mail Services
An e-Mail service is most important requirement of an organization. It is for communication within organization and also with outside business entity via e-mail. SquirrelMail and Zimbra are free e-mail package used for implementation of mailing service in organization.

5. Help Desk Software

As number of employee grows in organization there should be well systematic process to resolve their issue and keep good track of it. OTRS and HESK two most famous web based Help Desk application to automate Help Desk system efficient functioning.

With using these businesses oriented web base applications you can automate your business functioning at minimum cost.

Senin, 18 April 2011

4 Steps To Get Success In Online Portal Business

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Google, Facebook, YouTube, Blogger, etc. are the most successful websites. Portals are earning large sum of money. Dark side of this business is that, percentage of success is very low. Many investors are losing their hard earned money. You can ensure success of your online business by simply keeping a professional approach. To run the web application based business it is not necessary for you to be a technical expert in web development. If you are interested to invest in web industry, this article will surely help you to establish business successfully.

You are now just four steps away to get success in online business. Before the first step, keep one thing in mind that always associate with ebullient people or organization, who  believe in your idea and willing to work with you.

In the first step, you should have a palatable idea. Explore every aspect of your idea precisely. Conduct proper market research to get early feedback. Prepare detail documents of your business model and product. Prepare justified budgetary structure for every entity of your business. Ensure the timely flow of money for every phase. Establish an infrastructure and hire a professional team to run your business.

Second step is Development and Deployment of Portal. If you are new in this domain, it is better you outsource this activity to reliable  web application development company. This will give you more time to concentrate on your business part. Company's web developers take responsibility of all technical activity as per yours requirement, such as UI design, Development, Deployment, Testing, Maintenance, upgrade, etc.

Third step is promoting your portal. Online and offline are two modes of marketing activity for web industry. Invest on marketing activity according to your target user. Offline activity consists of ads on TV, Newspaper, etc. Basically it is the conventional way of marketing. Online is the new way of marketing mainly target to the internet users. You can promote your portal among the internet user with SEO activity or using paid advertisement platform (Google Adword, Yahoo, AdBrite, etc.).

Fourth and most important step is providing good quality of service to a user. Always give best service to your customer. What you commit to fulfilling it.

Online business is the most dynamic and versatile domain. To get and hold the success in web industry you have to run with the fast changing environment. Always be ready to accept the new idea to improve your business.

History Of Computers

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Since the Industrial Revolution the technological age is probably the most important era in terms of invention. No one person is connected to the invention of this piece of technology but the number of tasks that it has been able to accomplish is oftentimes puzzling. It impacts every aspect of society from science and medicine to communication and education. The first computers in the 1950s were only available to those persons who were considered to be highly intelligent and have specialized skills. They were larger although much slower. Today it has been reinvented into tiny models that can be used by almost everyone. Some companies like Computer Support Perth have seen it fit to provide more specialized services to those who may not have the time or the resources to fully utilize this piece of modern technology.

About Computer Support Perth

They are specialists in hardware, high quality websites, networking and IT support. Computer Support Perth is one of those specialized companies in the industry. They make life easier by attending to all the computer needs. Nothing can be more disturbing than to have computer problems and do not have a clue of how to find the remedy. This company provides all the remedies that the computer will ever need whether at home or in the office. Their highly trained staff is thorough and competent and will guarantee that every client is left feeling satisfied.

Computer Support Services

The computer is so complex and has become such a necessity in modern society that computer support services are numerous and varied. Although the computer is very useful in home and offices it can also be the source of some unfortunate occurrences. One doesn’t need to worry much, however, if companies such asComputer Support Perth are on hand to deal with these problems. Some of the major services of computer support include virus and malware removal, server installation and maintenance, system maintenance, data recovery, and networking and internet setup. These services will help to save money in the long run. Many computers develop problems that are not very complex or difficult to solve but only a trained person can sometimes detect these problems and deal with them effectively. The untrained person may think of purchasing a new system and may possibly develop similar problems later on.Computer support services give advice and help the ordinary person to know more about the computer.

Types of Computer Support

Computer support is given based on the needs and requirements of the client. A remote help desk is suitable for clients who have sufficient knowledge to follow the direction of a computer support staff. Established companies like Computer Support Perth normally have remote support software than can help to monitor and properly maintain connection with computer without making physical contact. Online computer repair is also another type ofcomputer support. It is known to be cheaper than the manual type of repair partially because the cost for traveling is eliminated. Remote computer support has become very common

What Is Small Business IT Support Perth?

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In today’s global market place of large conglomerates and wealthy trading partners it is difficult for small businesses to gain much profit and success. Many of them succumb to the pressure of vicious competition. One means of survival, though, is for these companies to align themselves with established companies, not necessary for trading reasons but in order to become technology savvy. Companies like Small Business IT Support Perth have the wherewithal to raise businesses to a level that rivals any of the large businesses on the market. Through them there is a guarantee that the business will reap many benefits and success.

What do they offer?

They have huge benefits because they offer a number of services. Their services are designed for any type of businesses, the size doesn’t matter. They also cater to home users. With Small Business IT

Support Perth a company or home user will get services ranging from pc installation to virus removal. They also offer remote support. The client is expected to leave all the IT worries in the hands of this support company. They have all the necessary resources and technological skills to every need and requirement. Their services are of the highest quality but they are affordable and their costs in no way compromise their performance. They specialize in many services that can be a chore for the ordinary person. They provide networking and internet setup, website designs and updates, remote and onsite support, server installations, system maintenance and many other types of services.

What to Expect

Expect to get the necessary tools and resources that are needed for the growth of any business. Their high level of professionalism is consistent throughout. Some support companies will slack off on their duties after the initial welcoming period. Don’t expect this from Small Business IT Support Perth. Every client is important to them. They provide 24/7 monitoring so they will carry out repairs and remedial work sometimes without the client even becoming aware of the problem. They are proactive instead of reactive. Their courteous and friendly staff is also one of their features. For even the person who has the foggiest idea about Information Technology this support firm will take everything into consideration and give appropriate advice and information to him.

How Small Businesses Benefit

Small businesses will have more time to spend on money making activities. They are able to leave all technological concerns to entities like Small Business IT Support Perth. If a problem occurs, rather than wasting time trying to find persons to solve the problems they can take comfort in the fact that their system is being constantly monitored. They have faster internet service and this will expedite their work. They will maximize profitability through the excellent service that they receive. They already have experts to provide advice and recommendation in case they need to expand their technology resources and other aspects. Small businesses will have nothing to lose as long as they seek help from professional and reputable companies.